Addictions We Treat

Addiction treatment is not one-size-fits-all, and your treatment plan should not be either. That’s why it’s so important that your residential treatment center has experience and expertise in a range of addictions, as well as a focus on individualized care. That’s exactly what you’ll find at The Estate, one of the few stand-alone addiction treatment centers in the country.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The Foundation for a Drug Free World cites that cocaine is the second most trafficked illegal drug in the world. It’s not surprising as over 40.6 million individuals in America alone, over the age of 12, admitted to at least one use of cocaine according to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. What’s worse is that cocaine is so highly addictive that many don’t stop with just one use. If your loved one needs help, our nature-based approach to cocaine addiction treatment offers a unique and powerful path to recovery.

The Cycle of Cocaine Use

With a long and dangerous history dating back to the late 1800s, cocaine is still one the most potent stimulants available today. When someone uses cocaine it affects the neurochemistry in their brain’s reward pathway immediately. Yet that ‘high’ typically disappears, within a few minutes to an hour, depending on the method of use. For example, injecting or smoking cocaine produces a quicker and stronger but shorter-lasting high than snorting it.

Over time, tolerance to cocaine increases and it takes stronger and/or more frequent doses to get or keep the same high, and to find relief from symptoms of ‘coming down’ such as anxiety, confusion, depression and agitation.

It’s a cycle that leads to cocaine addiction; a psychological and physical dependence that compels an individual to use cocaine regardless of the harmful consequences.

The Estate Approach

As one of the only privately owned, stand-alone drug rehab centers in MS, the Estate treats a wide range of addictions with a unique, effective Dual Diagnosis approach. Designed to address the core of each client’s experience with substance abuse, our program helps those who are ready to help themselves and break the deadly cycle of addiction. Our nature-based, holistic programming–combined with our clinical and therapeutic expertise – allows us to help addicts become advocates for long-term recovery.

Cocaine Treatment at the Estate

Set in a 108-acre forest in Lucedale, Mississippi, the natural surroundings of our secluded residential treatment center are an integral part of our approach to cocaine addiction treatment. Our therapeutic interventions, known as nature-based experiential recovery, incorporate modalities that include ropes courses and challenge activities for both one-on-one and group sessions.

This research-based therapeutic experience provides your loved one important recovery lessons about trust, communication, perseverance and team-building along with other tools for overcoming obstacles to sobriety. Traditional cocaine addiction treatments including CBT, DBT and EDMR are also part of our individualized care.

Effects of Cocaine Addiction
Because of the highly addictive nature of the drug, cocaine addiction is a risk for anyone who uses it, even once. Short-term effects can include:
• Constricted blood vessels
• Dilated pupils
• Nausea
• Raised body temperature and blood pressure
• Fast or irregular heartbeat
• Tremors and muscle twitches
• Restlessness and irritability
• Hypersensitivity to sight, sound and touch
• Paranoia
Since cocaine can be used in a number of different ways, the long-term effects often differ by method and can include:
• Snorting – Loss of smell, nosebleeds, runny nose and problems with swallowing
• Smoking – Cough, asthma, respiritory distress and higher risk of infections like pneumonia
• Oral Use – Bowel decay from reduced blood flow
• Needle Injection – Higher risk for contracting HIV, hepatitis C and other blood borne diseases, skin or soft tissue infections in addition to scarring or collapsed veins
Additional health effects include permanent damage to blood vessels in the heart and brain, higher risk for heart attacks and strokes, liver, kidney and lung damage, malnutrition, severe tooth decay, sexual problems, reproductive damage and infertility for both men and women.
Signs of Cocaine Addiction
Common signs of cocaine addiction can include:

• Weight loss
• Sleep disturbances
• Mood changes, unusual fatigue and/or bursts of energy
• Covering arms and/or legs (where they may be injecting) when they ordinarily wouldn’t
• Sudden financial problems and/or borrowing money without explanation
• Isolating from loved ones or friends, changing group of friends



Clinical professionals are the core of our treatment programs. We strive to set them up for success by providing supervision hours. In turn, allowing them to provide the best guidance and care for our inpatient and outpatient facilities. Our licensed counselors lay the path to sobriety for our patients throughout their road to recovery.


Addiction recovery can be dangerous for people who try to do it without the help of medical professionals. This is why we seek out the best nursing staff to ensure that our patients feel safe within our facilities.


Our support staff fills in all of the gaps needed to provide the best care possible for our patients. We rely on everyone in our support staff, including maintenance teams who care for our beautiful grounds, our Care Coordinators who act as our first point of contact when answering phones from our state-of-the-art call center, and our Clinical Assistants who guide patients through their recovery journey.   


We are constantly growing and require innovative individuals who are looking to grow alongside our corporate departments. Check out our job openings within our Sales, Marketing, Finance, Information Technologies (IT), and Human Resources Departments.