Addictions We Treat
Opioid Addiction Treatment in Mississippi
Understanding Opioid Addiction
Opioid addiction is characterized by a compulsive urge and craving to use these drugs, even after they are no longer needed medically, as well as continuing to use the drugs despite negative consequences.
Opioids change the chemistry of the brain and can cause life-threatening health issues, like the risk of overdose. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) more than 130 people in the United States die every day after overdosing on opioids.
The Estate Approach
Opioid Addiction Treatment at the Estate
Nature-based experiential recovery teaches important lessons about trust, communication, perseverance, team-building and other tools for overcoming obstacles to sobriety. With nature as an integral part of the healing process, we also offer traditional drug addiction treatment including CBT, DBT and EDMR as part of our individualized care.
Who’s Most At Risk?
• Poverty
• Unemployment or other stressful circumstances
• Family history of substance abuse
• Early use of opioids
• History of criminal activity or legal problems
• Regular contact with high-risk people or high-risk environments
• Risk-taking or thrill-seeking behavior
• Mental disorders
• Heavy tobacco use and/or prior drug or alcohol rehabilitation
Signs of Opioid Addiction
• Needle marks on arms and legs from intravenous use
• Constricted pupils
• Difficulty staying awake or falling asleep at inappropriate times
• Flushed, itchy skin
• Withdrawing from social activities
• Sudden, dramatic mood swings that are out of character
• Impulsiveness and engaging in risky activities, like driving under the influence
• Visiting multiple doctors to obtain more prescriptions
Clinical professionals are the core of our treatment programs. We strive to set them up for success by providing supervision hours. In turn, allowing them to provide the best guidance and care for our inpatient and outpatient facilities. Our licensed counselors lay the path to sobriety for our patients throughout their road to recovery.